礒田 治夫 ISODA, Haruo大学PROFILE >
教授/Professor E-mail/
研究分野/Research field
Functional MR imaging, MR fluid dynamics, Myocardial motion analysis with MR imaging, Development of cryosurgical devices, MR imaging technology and MR diagnostic imaging, Neuroradiology, Head & neck radiology
学歴・職歴/Academic Background & Work Experience
1984年 浜松医科大学 医学部 卒業
1988年 浜松医科大学大学院 医学研究科 博士課程 修了
浜松医科大学医学部放射線医学講座・准教授 , 2002年8月 – 2010年3月
名古屋大学医学部保健学科・教授, 2010年4月 – 2012年3月
名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科・教授 2012年4月 – 2013年11月
名古屋大学 脳とこころの研究センター・教授 2013年12月~
1988年 浜松医科大学大学院 医学研究科 博士課程 修了
浜松医科大学医学部放射線医学講座・准教授 , 2002年8月 – 2010年3月
名古屋大学医学部保健学科・教授, 2010年4月 – 2012年3月
名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科・教授 2012年4月 – 2013年11月
名古屋大学 脳とこころの研究センター・教授 2013年12月~
1984, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Graduated
1988, Division of Medicine (Doctoral Course of four-year system), Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, completed
1988, Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine), Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
Associate Professor, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, 2002/8 – 2010/3
Professor, Nagoya University School of Health Sciences, 2010/4 – 2012/03
Professor, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, 2012/4 – 2013/11
Professor, Brain & Mind Research Center, Nagoya University, 2013/12 –
1988, Division of Medicine (Doctoral Course of four-year system), Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, completed
1988, Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine), Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
Associate Professor, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, 2002/8 – 2010/3
Professor, Nagoya University School of Health Sciences, 2010/4 – 2012/03
Professor, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, 2012/4 – 2013/11
Professor, Brain & Mind Research Center, Nagoya University, 2013/12 –
学術論文/Research Papers
1. | Gel phantom study of a cryosurgical probe with a thermosiphon effect and liquid nitrogen-cooled aluminum thermal storage blocks , ISODA Haruo, TAKEHARA Yasuo, FUJINO Hitoshi, SONE Kazuya, SUZUKI Takeshi, TSUZAKI Yoshinari, MIYAZAKI Kouji, FUJIE Michio, SAKAHARA Harumi, MAEKAWA Yasuaki , Nagoya J Med Sci, 2015;77(3):399-407. |
2. | MR-based computational fluid dynamics with patient-specific boundary conditions for the initiation of a sidewall aneurysm of a basilar artery , ISODA Haruo, TAKEHARA Yasuo, KOSUGI Takashi, TERADA Masaki, NAITO Takehiro, ONISHI Yuki, TANOI Chiharu, AMAYA Kenji, SAKAHARA Harumi , Magn Reson Med Sci , 2015;14(2):139-144. |
3. | Magnetic resonance fluid dynamics for intracranial aneurysms-comparison with computed fluid dynamics , NAITO Takehiro, MIYACHI Shigeru, MATSUBARA Noriaki, ISODA Haruo, IZUMI Takashi, HARAGUCHI Kenichi, TAKAHASHI Ichiro, ISHII Katsuya, WAKABAYASHI Toshihiko , Acta Neurochir (Wien), 2012;154(6):993-1001. |
4. | In vivo hemodynamic analysis of intracranial aneurysms obtained by magnetic resonance fluid dynamics (MRFD) based on time-resolved three-dimensional phase-contrast MRI , ISODA Haruo, OHKURA Yasuhide, KOSUGI Takashi, HIRANO Masaya, TAKEDA Hiroyasu, HIRAMATSU Hisaya, YAMASHITA Shuhei, TAKEHARA Yasuo, ALLEY Marcus, BAMMER Roland, PELC Norbert, NAMBA Hiroki, SAKAHARA Harumi , Neuroradiology, 2010;52(10):921-928. |
5. | Comparison of hemodynamics of intracranial aneurysms between MR fluid dynamics using 3D cine phase-contrast MRI and MR-based computational fluid dynamics. , ISODA Haruo, OHKURA Yasuhide, KOSUGI Takashi, HIRANO Masaya, ALLEY Marcus, BAMMER Roland, PELC Norbert, SAKAHARA Harumi , Neuroradiology, 2010;52(10):913-920. |
6. | Contrast-enhanced three-dimensional MR angiography with an elliptical centric view for the evaluation of intracranial aneurysms , ISODA Haruo, INAGAWA Shoichi, ITO Tatsuhiko, TAKEDA Hiroyasu, TAKEHARA Yasuo, NOZAKI Atsushi, SAKAHARA Harumi , Eur Radiol, 2007;17(5):1221-1225. |
7. | Visualization of hemodynamics in intracranial arteries using time-resolvedthree-dimensional phase-contrast MRI , YAMASHITA Shuhei, ISODA Haruo, HIRANO Masaya, TAKEDA Hiroyasu, INAGAWA Shoichi, TAKEHARA Yasuo, ALLEY Marcus T, MARKL Michael, PELC Norbert J, SAKAHARA Harumi , J Magn Reson Imaging , 2007;25(3):473-478. |
8. | Visualization of hemodynamics in a silicon aneurysm model using time-resolved, 3D, phase-contrast MRI , ISODA Haruo, HIRANO M, TAKEDA H, KOSUGI T, ALLEY Marcus T, MARKL Michael, PELC Norbert J, SAKAHARA H , AJNR Am J Neuroradiol , 2006;27(5):1119-1122. |
9. | Preliminary study of tagged MR image velocimetry in a replica of an intracranial aneurysm , ISODA Haruo, INAGAWA Shoichi, TAKEDA Hiroyasu, ISOGAI Satoshi, TAKEHARA Yasuo, SAKAHARA Harumi , AJNR Am J , 2003;24(4):604-607. |
10. | Manipulo-spatial processing of ideographic characters in left-handers: observation in fMRI , MATSUO K, KATO C, OZAWA F, TAKEHARA Yasuo, ISODA Haruo, ISOGAI Satoshi, MORIYA T, SAKAHARA Harumi, OKADA T, NAKAI T , Magn Reson Med Sci , 2002;1(1):21-26. |
11. | Ideographic characters call for extra processing to correspond with phonemes , MATSUO K, KATO C, OZAWA F, TAKEHARA Yasuo, ISODA Haruo, ISOGAI Satashi, MORIYA T, SAKAHARA Harumi, OKADA T, NAKAI T , Neuroreport , 2001;12(10):2227-2230. |
12. | BOLD contrast on a 3 T magnet: detectability of the motor areas , NAKAI T, MATSUO K, KATO C, OKADA T, MORIYA T, ISODA Haruo, TAKEHARA Yasuo, SAKAHARA Harumi , J Comput Assist Tomogr , 2001;25(3):436-445. |
13. | Post-stimulus response in hemodynamics observed by functional magnetic resonance imaging–difference between the primary sensorimotor area and the supplementary motor area , NAKAI T, MATSUO K, KATO C, TAKEHARA Yasuo, ISODA Haruo, MORIYA T, OKADA T, SAKAHARA Harumi , Magn Reson Imaging , 2000;18(10):1215-1219. |
14. | MRA of intracranial aneurysm models: a comparison of contrast-enhanced three-dimensional MRA with time-of-flight MRA , ISODA Haruo, TAKEHARA Yasuo, ISOGAI Satoshi, MASUNAGA Hatsuko, TAKEDA Hiroyasu, NOZAKI Atsushi , SAKAHARA Harumi , J Comput Assist Tomogr , 2000;24(2):308-315. |
15. | Software-triggered contrast-enhanced three-dimensional MR angiography of the intracranial arteries , ISODA Haruo, TAKEHARA Yasuo, ISOGAI Satoshi, TAKEDA Hiroyasu, TANAKA Tokutaro, TAKAHASHI Motoichiro, NOZAKI Atsushi, SUN Yi , AJR Am J Roentgenol , 2000;174(2):371-375. |
16. | Tagged MR imaging of intracranial aneurysm models , ISODA Haruo, KINOSADA Yasutomi, ISOGAI Satoshi, TAKEHARA Yasuo, ITO Tatsuhiko , AJNR Am J Neuroradiol , 1999;20(5):807-811. |
17. | MR angiography of aneurysm models of various shapes and neck sizes , ISODA Haruo, RAMSEY Ruth G, TAKEHARA Yasuo, TAKAHASHI Motoichiro, KANEKO Masao , AJNR Am J Neuroradiol , 1997;18(8):1463-1472. |
18. | Spontaneous disappearance of a ruptured anterior communicating artery aneurysm , ISODA Haruo, MUHASABU HR, RAMSEY Ruth G , AJR Am J Roentgenol , 1996;167(2):536-537. |
受賞学術賞等/Honors, Awards, and Prizes
Cum Laude of Fukuoka City Award, The 10th Asian Oceanian Congress of Neuroradiology (AOCNR 2015), 2015/11/6
研究内容/Research Content
研究内容 PDF/Research Content PDF
機能的磁気共鳴(PDF)/ Functional MR imaging(PDF)
磁気共鳴流体力学(PDF)/MR fluid dynamics(PDF)
磁気共鳴を用いた心筋運動解析(PDF) / Myocardial motion analysis with MR imaging(PDF)
凍結治療装置開発(PDF)/ Development of cryosurgical devices(PDF)