島本 佳寿広 SHIMAMOTO, Kazuhiro大学PROFILE >
研究分野/Research field
Ultrasonography of the superficial organs, Breast & thyroid imaging, Optimization of reading environment
学歴・職歴/Academic Background & Work Experience
1983年 名古屋大学 医学部 医学科 卒業
1992年 博士(医学)、名古屋大学、論文
名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科・教授 2012年4月~
1992年 博士(医学)、名古屋大学、論文
名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科・教授 2012年4月~
1983, Nagoya University, Faculty of Medicine, Graduated
1992, Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine), Nagoya University, Thesis
Nagoya University School of Health Sciences, 2002/11 – 2012/03
Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, 2012/04 –
1992, Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine), Nagoya University, Thesis
Nagoya University School of Health Sciences, 2002/11 – 2012/03
Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, 2012/04 –
学術論文/Research Papers
Radiology 165 (3): 683-685, 1987/Radiology 182 (1): 149-153, 1992/European Radiology 10 (11): 1726-1732, 2000/European Radiology 11 (1): 59-64, 2001/European Radiology 12 (9):2192-2197, 2002/European Radiology 16 (3): 726-732, 2006/European Journal of Radiology 29 (1): 4-10, 1998/European Journal of Ultrasound 6 (1): 127-130, 1996/European Journal of Ultrasound 8 (1): 25-31, 1998/Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 12 (11): 673-678, 1993/Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 16 (10): 665-672, 1997/Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 19 (3): 281-285, 1995/Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 25 (4): 327-333, 2001/Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 26 (3): 181-185, 2002/Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 29 (1): 35-41, 2005/Journal of Digital Imaging 10 (4): 147-151, 1997/Journal of Digital Imaging 14 (3): 111-116; 2001/American Journal of Roentgenology 196(1):202-209, 2011
受賞学術賞等/Honors, Awards, and Prizes
・ECR2006・Certificate of Appreciation, 2006/03 , European Congress of Radiology
・SPIE Medical Imaging 2002 symposium・cum laude , 2002/03
・ECR2001・Certificate of Appreciation, 2001/03
・第13回 日本超音波医学会菊池賞(論文賞) , 1999/05
・SPIE Medical Imaging 2002 symposium・cum laude , 2002/03
・ECR2001・Certificate of Appreciation, 2001/03
・第13回 日本超音波医学会菊池賞(論文賞) , 1999/05